Socotra Eco-tours is an accredited Ecotourism Agency based in Socotra. We look upon ecotourism as means of sustainable development for the island. At Socotra Eco-Tours, we are proud to be from Socotra, and our team of knowledgeable guides are all Socotris with over ten years of experience in ecotourism and guiding. They hold bachelor, master, and Ph.D. degrees in environment, sustainable development, and ecotourism.
With Socotra Eco-Tours, you'll have the privilege of exploring Socotra Island with guides who deeply understand its ecosystem, culture, and heritage. They will share their wisdom, passion, and personal stories, enriching your journey with authentic insights and connections.
Our guides are not just experts in their field; they are guardians of Socotra's pristine environment. They are committed to responsible and sustainable tourism, ensuring that your adventures leave a positive impact on the island and its communities.
There are many tour operators based on the mainland who service the island but these do not take nearly as much care of the local environment, economy and people as we do. Unlike the mainland operators, our overhead costs are minimal and we guarantee that all our fees come to the benefit of the local population.
We have professional tour field guides, trained naturalist guides, 4×4 cars with drivers, camping and cooking equipment etc. Moreover, we are able to provide accommodation in the best hotels on the island as well as arrange for overnight camping sites. We will organize different types of tours, specifically designed to accommodate your individual requirements.
Socotra Eco-tours mission
Socotra Eco-Tours
+967 777007588