Unforgettable Holidays - Socotra Eco-Tours

What to pack for Socotra

Bring comfortable, light clothing, preferably made of modern functional materials quick dry, anti-odor, well absorbing sweat. Don’t forget sun glasses and head cover. Keep in mind Muslim clothing habits when choosing your clothes.

Bring comfortable walking shoes or trekking sandals suitable for walking on sharp stones. Add flip flops to be used in bathrooms and on the beach.

Do not forget sun lotion. There is nothing like that available on Socotra. For snorkeling, bring a spare T-shirt to wear in the sea. Sunburns suffered on the back and backside of the legs while snorkeling might easily spoil your holidays.

Nights up in the mountains might be cold so bring a fleece and a pair of thick socks.

For the nights outside, a thin sleeping bag is enough. Modern tents, mattresses, blankets and pillows are provided at different eco-camping sites. You might prefer your own bed sheets for personal comfort.

A bottle of repellent because mosquitoes get very thirsty at sunset.

Bring a pack of wet wipes or similar tissues for personal hygiene when water will not be available. You can also buy an aseptic cleansing lotion for cleaning your hands.

A torch/ flashlight with spare batteries will be very handy especially when visiting Hoq cave. It’s much more interesting if you don’t just need to follow the guide’s reflector.

As for any travel, we recommend money belt for money, passport and other valuables. Anyway, Socotra is safe and theft from tourists is pretty much unheard of.

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